During the game red and green orbs can be collected. Attacking is simple just one button, sometimes a quicktime event appears and when executed a finishing move is done.
One of the magic powers is the ability to turn Prince into water, so he can pass through certain obstacles. Magic power is unlimited, and the bar for it regenerates, though magic can be used on marked sigils only, or with quicktime prompts. There are few new traversal movements available. Gameplay is quit similar to previous mobile games. Malik - Prince's brother defending his kingdom.Prince - Prince visiting his brother's kingdom.Prince lastly used the sword to seal the Ifrit again. The Prince and Malik then worked together to finish off the Ifrit for good. After defeating the possessed Malik, the Ifrit left his body and tried to tempt the Prince, but failed. Prince armed with the new powerful sword headed towards the Palace to fight the Ifrit again. Razia was drawn to the sword and she merged with it. Upon defeating a Rock Giant, the Prince found the Solomon's Sword. On the way, Malik possessed by the Ifrit appeared and attempted to kill the Prince with his minions. Prince then decided to find the Solomon's Sword hidden in the catacombs. During the battle, Ifrit saw the lust for power in Malik and tempted him into joining him, which he did. Prince joined up with his brother Malik, and they fought the Ifrit. Prince sought out the Ifrit in hopes of sealing it with his new power. Satisfied with the Prince's resolve and strength, Razia granted him power to turn himself into water. Upon finding Razia, the Prince was tested by her in combat. Prince reached the caverns of the Prophets, where the witch should reside according to the scrolls of the Prince's ancestors. The Prince had read that a witch lives in the caverns, and hoped she can help seal the Ifrit again.
Upon releasing the Ifrit, they both soon realized that he can not be controlled. Malik gave Prince a magic orb to manipulate time. Malik however wanted glory, and saw none in retreat, he decided to release the Solomon's Army, the army of the djinn. After Finding Malik, Prince suggested to leave, as the battle was surely lost. Prince went to find his brother, to try and defeat the invaders.
Prince arrived to his brother Malik's kingdom, finding it under attack by an army of monsters.